Indonesian Mass


Once a month, we celebrate the Eucharistic Mass in Indonesian language with an Indonesian Catholic priest (Romo) who resides in the US. Everyone is welcome to attend!

ICC DFW Indonesian Mass takes place at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Faith Formation Center (Seton FFC) in Plano, TX, on the third Sunday of every month except for Christmas and Easter Masses. The Christmas and Easter Masses are held at Holy Family of Nazareth Catholic Church (HFN) in Irving, TX.

Below is the Indonesian Mass schedule for July 2024 to June 2025. Please watch the announcement on ICC-DFW WhatsApp group message for more details.

  • Saturday, 7/20/24, at 5 PM in Seton FFC Gym
  • Saturday, 8/17/24, at 5 PM in Seton FFC Gym
  • Saturday, 9/21/24, at 5 PM in Seton FFC Gym
  • Saturday, 10/26/24, at 5 PM in Seton FFC Gym
  • Saturday, 11/16/24, at 5 PM in Seton FFC Gym
  • Wednesday, 12/25/24, at 4 PM in HFN Church (Christmas)
  • Saturday, 1/18/25, at 5 PM in Seton FFC Gym
  • Saturday, 2/8/25, at 5 PM in Seton FFC Gym
  • Saturday, 3/15/24, at 5 PM in Seton FFC Gym
  • Sunday, 4/20/25, at 4 PM in HFN Church (Easter)
  • Saturday, 5/24/25, at 5 PM in Seton FFC Gym
  • Saturday, 6/21/25, at 5 PM in Seton FFC Gym

Typically, dinner together will follow after the Mass. In Seton FFC, dinner is held in Room 130, while in HFN, dinner is held in the cafeteria or parish hall. Below is the map of Seton building complex.

We are looking forward to having you in our Indonesian Masses. If you have any question, please Contact Us.

PS: Below is the map of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton building complex in Plano, TX. We use the Gym for our Mass and Multi-Purpose Rooms 130A-B for our dinner (both on the left) – except on Christmas and Easter.

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