ICC Women

ICC Women is an apostolate for women whose mission is to imitate the Blessed Virgin Mary, as a perfect model for Christians. The group offers an opportunity to learn about our faith, deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ, and to build Christian friendships.

Our monthly meeting activities include praying rosary, sharing our faith, praise and worship, book discussion and fellowship. Currently, we read and discuss “Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father” by Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC. All women are welcome to join our monthly meeting, whether you have the book or not. Please contact Muljaty Sulaiman at mulrob@verizon.net if have any questions.

ICC Women meetings are online, once a month on the second Saturday. Please check our announcement on ICC Facebook page to get the Zoom meeting details

May God richly bless you!

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