ICC Easter Mass Homily 03/31/2024: Who Will Roll Back the Stone for Us?
By Romo Redempt Jawa, CSsR
Bible readings for the Mass: Acts 10:34a, 37-43, 10:34a, 37-43, and Mark 16:1-8
Sekali lagi Selamat Paskah untukmu semua. The Lord is Risen, Alleluia!
My Sisters and Brothers in Jesus Christ.
Ketika kita merayakan Natal—kelahiran Tuhan Yesus, kita tentu dengan mudah ingat dan kaitkan dengan cerita kelahiran kita sendiri.
Ketika kita merayakan Paskah—kebangkitan Tuhan Yesus, apa yang kita ingat yang berkaitan dengan peristiwa hidup kita sebagai manusia. Kita tidak tahu seperti apa yang akan terjadi soal kebangkitan karena kita sendiri belum pernah mengalami peristiwa kebangkitan. Tetapi kita tentunya ingat akan janji Tuhan yang akan membangkitkan kita pada akhir zaman (bdk Yoh. 6:40). Kita menerima dan meyakini janji itu dengan IMAN. Dan dalam IMAN itu, kita berkumpul dan merayakan Kebangkitan Tuhan Yesus Kristus sore ini.
Saudara-Saudariku yang terkasih,
Kita mendengar dalam Injil tadi, para wanita yang masih dalam suasana kedukaan pergi ke kubur Yesus. Mereka ragu dan takut: ”Who will roll back the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?” (Mrk 16:3). However, they did not give up and lose faith. They kept going to Jesus’ tomb. Keteguhan hati/iman mereka mengubah their sorrow and lost into an amazement. Mereka tidak hanya kaget melihat hal yang luarbiasa terjadi yaitu batu penutup pintu kubur sudah terguling. Mereka bahkan menerima kabar gembira bahwa Yesus sudah bangkit, dan Kristus menunggu mereka di Galilea. Their amazement turned into joy—the joy of the resurrection of the Lord.
Dalam perjalanan hidup kita sebagai manusia dan orang beriman, kita juga kadang ragu dan takut ketika kita menemui dan mengalami begitu banyak dan berat batu penutup kubur Yesus dalam hidup dan iman kita yang menghalangi kita menjumpai dan menerima berkat Tuhan, yang menghalangi kita menemui dan berbagi kasih kepada sesama, yang menghalangi kita untuk melihat sisi positif dan hall baik dari sesama; dalam keluarga, di tempat kerja, di sekolah, dalam komuntias dan dunia kita. Atau bahkan walaupun kita teguh dalam iman, bertekun dalam doa, dan aktif dalam hidup Gereja/komunitas, kitapun masih menemukan kubur kosong. The tomb was open, and the Lord Jesus was not there. Did Jesus disappoint them/us?
Peter, in the first reading, gives us a testimony: “We are witnesses of all that Jesus did both in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They put him to death…, but God raised Him on the third day…. He commissioned us to preach to the people” (Acts 10:39-42).
The Lord does not disappoint anyone, including the women, the early disciples, and all of us today. God, through His resurrection, proves that He is alive. He does not only give us a temporary life on this earth but also provides us with eternal life. Inilah sukacita Paskah that fulfills our hearts, sanctifies, and transforms our human life into God’s divine and eternal life. We have become Easter people.
Maka keraguan, “Who will roll back the stone for us?”, invites us to reflect on what Easter 2024 means to us and our discipleship life:
- Paskah berarti Allah mencintai ciptaanNya. It reminds us that God created us in His image and likeness. Our God is so caring, loving, and merciful, giving His life for our sake. Through His resurrection, God wants us to have eternal life and to be with Him in His Kingdom.
- Paskah berarti God gives us a new life that helps us roll back the stone that blocks us from meeting him and others, and from experiencing His blessings and the generosity of others. God also invites us to return to our own Galilee’s lives, kembali dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari untuk menemui Dia di sana agar kita bisa mewartakan Kristus yang bangkit.
My brothers and Sisters,
Walaupun begitu banyak pengalaman hidup yang sulit dan berbagai persoalan dunia saat ini; persoalan keluarga—relasi suami-istri, tantangan mendidik ana-anak—persoalan dalam Gereja, peperangan, ketidakadilan dan seterusnya…., the Resurrection of the Lord is the light that guides us because Christ has conquered the darkness and death. We are men and women of hope! Let us proclaim that the Lord Jesus is Risen by staying connected with Him, extending our hands of friendship and support to those in need, offering a word of encouragement to those facing difficulties, and putting into practice the spirit of love and generosity that transcends all boundaries.
Happy Easter!
God bless you all. AMEN.
Image credit: “Jesus resurrected and Mary Magdalene” by Heinrich Hofmann (source: Wikimedia Commons).